I am a Software Research Engineer at Bentley Systems. Before that, I was a postdoctoral research associate working with Prof. A. Karma in the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Complex Systems in the Physics Department at Northeastern University. I graduated with a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and an M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics under the supervision of Prof. B. Bourdin (Math, McMaster University).

I am fascinated with solving the mysteries of the universe through computational science. My research focuses on advancing our understanding of the underlying micro and macro physics of solid mechanics phenomena and using this knowledge to develop advanced materials that will improve life on Earth.

My main research interest is computational solid mechanics, and I specialize in fracture mechanics, thermoelasticity, plasticity, and finite deformation. Starting from doctoral studies, I have worked closely with HPC packages PETSc, TAO, libMesh, and Hypre, and, as a result, have developed a parallel finite element code (vfmfe) for the simulation of fracture in an array of multiphysics problems.


a.mesgarnejad at northeastern dot edu